Frequently Asked Questions
We have helped hundreds of residential gardeners that were once overwhelmed by the design process and the installation of their own irrigation systems. We have put together some of their most frequently asked questions in an attempt to help inform and relieve the stress of you Canadian homeowners that are looking to irrigate your properties and don't know where to start.
Where to buy irrigation?
The main goal of this website is to answer this very question. We want to make irrigation easily accessible to all Canadians.
How expensive is it to irrigate my yard?
Depending on the size of your agricultural operation and the specific irrigation system, you might be looking at an initial investment ranging from a couple hundred to a couple thousand. This could cover the cost of equipment, installation, and any necessary infrastructure. The cost of labour seems to get exponentially higher with each year so being able to do the work yourself makes it even more worth the investment today.
Now, in terms of annual savings, the efficiency gains from a modern irrigation system could potentially save you anywhere from 20% to 50% on water costs compared to traditional methods.
Is irrigating my yard worth it?
While the upstart of systems can feel like a lot of money, the systems always pay for themselves. The amount of time and money saved by irrigation systems is unquestionable. The system becomes immediately hands free with the use of timers and controllers which keeps you out of the garden and in your lounge set.
What are the advantages of irrigation?
Increased Crop Yield: With a consistent and controlled water supply, crops can reach their full potential.
Water Efficiency: They deliver water precisely where it's needed, minimizing wastage and maximizing efficiency.
Crop Quality
Risk Mitigation: Droughts and unpredictable weather patterns can wreak havoc on crops.
Operational Flexibility: Allows you to vacation
Sustainable Agriculture: Water conservation and efficient resource
What criteria did you use to pick the companies in your comparison list?
​We decided that these 3 traits were requirements:
Suppliers must have an online presence with the ability for consumers to purchase products.
Suppliers must offer a wide enough product selection for complete system installations.
Suppliers must have a physical presence in Canada.
Why did you create this site?
A lot of our gardener friends were expressing their displeasure with their local irrigation contractors and they were having no luck at hardware stores so we started surfing the internet. We were shocked when we looked into the Canadian marketplace and noticed a serious lack of reliable information.